Notes on Appreciation
It is a simple thing really. Karma. What you give, you get. What goes around, comes around. The circle of life. But there is a deeper meaning to it all. Imagine our life to be a great account book- where everything we do or say is being recorded. Every debit and every credit. Everytime we make someone feel bad, by our actions or inactions. Or everytime we were made to feel bad by someone else’s actions or inactions.
This account book has its purpose, as for every good we manage to do, a credit appears against our name. For this credit, we may unknowingly receive good in return sometime later in life. Now, this should not be the incentive to do good deeds. Doing good makes us feel good on the inside. Notwithstanding the karma quid pro quo which exists. I enjoy feeding a bite to the stray dog, just for the sheer joy and exultation, I feel in the process. When I see it wagging its tail and approach me with a fervour, and when it happily eats. I could do this everyday, because it brings happiness to ME.
Every relationship brings the feelings, emotions and sentiments of two people together. This is an intimate vortex, and needs constant care from both sides to blossom. It could be a friendship, a romantic relationship, or even a parent to child relation. There are many factors that drive the relationship forward, or backward. Communication, respect, empathy, a shared interest for stuff, mutual admiration and quite importantly- appreciation.
Appreciation is often overlooked, in long term relationships. Consider a couple married for 50 years. Would they be likely to appreciate and acknowledge one another after all those years? Could be yes, could be no as well. A sense of complacency often sets in, when a long term relationship is considered. When you think about it, this is indeed true. When was the last time we sat down to thank and appreciate all the important people in our life?
When you appreciate, you also understand the value of the other person in the process. The little things like how they take care of you, how they make you happy, and warm on the inside- that is what must be appreciated. The test of every relationship is the level of appreciation both the people have. There could be rough times, or fights and break ups, but never forget to appreciate.
It is easy to overlook, and forget. Caught in the daily grind we often fail to maintain relationships. And cell phones and the Internet have made it worse. Most people are in a bubble- the virtual bubble of less communication and more scrolling. We appreciate the wrong things- like the latest meme, or the hottest viral video.
God intended us humans to have fruitful and wholesome relationships. That is why we have family. And friends. And the beautiful world with all its diverse cultures and people and places. A vast and open field to explore. When we appreciate this wonder, we can begin to build it into our life. A step by step road to envisaging and assimilating the wonder that is this universe!